





(14/7/2013 明報即時新聞)

這新聞講George Zimmerman 案。被告既不是警察,也不算白人,他只是街坊巡邏隊隊長(Neighbourhood Watch Captain),一個拉美裔混血兒(Hispanic)。Zimmerman父親是退休裁判官,德國白人後裔,母親是秘魯人,而外公是帶非洲血統的秘魯人,算起來Zimmerman還有點非洲血統。

死者是17歲的黑人青年Trayvon Martin,身高6呎1吋,孬仔一名。事發當日,因為第3次被學校停學,所以有暇陪同父親往探望父親的女友,才會在Zimmerman居住的地方出現。Zimmerman在車上發現Martin行跡可疑,於是報警,警察叫Zimmerman留在車上不要輕舉妄動,可是Zimmerman卻下車去盤查,最後出於自衛槍殺了Martin。Zimmerman也鼻骨斷裂,頭破血流。警察相信被告的講方,不予檢控,最終連警察首長也革了職。被告所持的抗辯是自衛殺人。當地的檢控部門原本也不打算檢控被告,籲論改變了一切。連總統奧巴馬也發聲: "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids, and I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this... If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." 奧巴馬的做法相當煽情,也不恰當。總統可以責成有關部門嚴肅處理此案,而不應該表態顯示自的立場,自己牽涉入種族的論爭。如果泄密的斯諾登是黑人, 奧巴馬會講If I had a son, he would look like Snowden嗎?

2 則留言:

  1. Don't understand why HK media keeps calling him "police"; the term is not that difficult to translate.

    People keep using the USA as the beacon of "democracy" and "human rights", when in reality, it is very far from the truth. The US has serious racial issues and many people suffer from discrimination. Furthermore, it has cases like Bradley and Snowden, and it is notorious for it's record of extraordinary renditions. Not to mention it has been actively impeding the progress of democracy in the Middle East for its own gain.

    If people want to cite examples, they can cite Norway, Sweden, Canada, Switzerland, or even Australia, while not perfect, they are much better democracies than the US and the UK. Yes, US is the most powerful country in the world (& in decline as far as its power goes), but might does not make rights.

  2. People blindly worship without really examine the facts because we have some prominent figures in Hong Kong who also blindly worship this big brother. When the blind leads the blind, the colour of the world is only their own imagination.
