

聘大律師代表 盼成佔中案例





(2013/6/4 明報)

單從明報的報導看,我不知道這團律師在搞甚麼,我無興趣針對李資深,他上一次代表古思堯上訴,案件同性質,還不足一個月,(香港特別行政區 訴 古思堯 HCMA185/2013)上一次為何不嘗試連同定罪一起上訴?我為那件案寫了3個blogs:古思堯案的判辭 ,標少為古思堯案的判辭一文「開片」 ,標少為古思堯案的判辭一文「開片」之二------大佬文化 ,想找人開片,又無人理采。





這種争議,不是在13年前已由終審法院判決了嗎?(HKSAR v. NG KUNG SIU AND ANOTHER   FACC4/1999) 何以把這件上訴至高等法院成為案例呢?上訴至高院當然可以,不過,想成為案例,那麼終審法院吳恭劭案的判決算是甚麼?而且,怎可以扯上佔中行動呢?這件案可以成為案例,不過,是敗訴的案例。

從報導看,古思堯再次不争論案情,也預了坐監,如果辯方循那方向想就大錯特錯。今次審訊並不公平。古思堯對上一件案被定罪及判監,犯案日期一件在2012年6月10日在中聯辦外,另一件在2013年1月1日在遮打花園。現在審的案發生得更早----2012年4月1日。不公平之處在於,為何不把這件跟上一件一併處理?一來被告不用受審兩次,二來量刑時可以總刑罰來考慮。此外,辯方大律師在定罪求情時,應該懂得叫杜官不要考慮上次的案底及判刑,因為本案發生當日還未有上次的案底。以前古思堯相同控罪有罰款紀錄,這次應要求非監禁式懲罰。他對上一次相同紀錄是2002年,被判罰款 $3,000或監禁10 天。本案是相隔10年再犯的同類案件,求情應循這方向講。上次上訴處理得差,所以我很擔心這團律師的能力。

今天六四,二十四年前我代表了工作的組織,擬了這八個字登在明報:國何其殤 基本無法。今天再登在此,以悼亡魂。

4 則留言:

  1. I am not sure what was actually being said in court but it seems both the defence and the judge were not making good points.

    Defence cannot just throw the human right treaty and expect the court would listen. They needed to say that the act of the defendant was within the boundary of freedom as the act did not do anyone physical or monetary harms. They needed to raise the question of proportionality and arbitrariness of the law to show that even thought the law could be "legit" on its own, there were other factors to be considered. Case laws and interpretations by international human rights courts about the above principles need to be thrown at the judge.

    The judge cannot say there are other means of protest and outright denies that flag desecration could fall under the protected rights of free expression. A person can choose which means is exactly what freedom means. Furthermore, a claim of freedom does not mean the person is claiming that he can do anything he wishes. The restrictions of freedom cannot be stipulated by the mere letters of the law but only by the principles of the law. If that was truly what the he said, then he needs to go back to law school.

    1. We can only wait and see what happens to the appeal and for it to shed light on the merit of the argument.

  2. 標少,你不應只讀明報,不同報紙會選取不同重點,會影響你對控辯雙方論點的掌握




  3. I read Mingpao and it reported the same thing. 公開及故意 to desecrate the flag is what the law requires. What the defence said about the act was a political statement of democracy is not a defence in law. The prosecution does not need to prove ulterior motive. The defence submission is erred in law. It would also be discourtesy for the counsel to spell out at that stage what the ground of appeal would be. If you argue your case before the magistrate, you just put forward your argument/persuasion. Can you say, "Your Worship, if you are going to convict the defendant, I am going to appeal your decision."? Is it a threat? He is putting the cart before the horse. He should learn how to be a good advocate.
