

2月2日司法機構上載了兩宗風化案的上訴,一宗是茅山師父歐陽國富以虛假藉口騙少女性交轉運的上訴(香港特別行政區 訴 歐 陽國富  CACC41/2010)  ,另一宗是案情頗特別的非禮上訴 (HKSAR and Tong Arnold HCMA173/2011)。標少只談這件非禮案。受害人是一名住在東涌公屋的已婚婦人,被告是她的鄰居。2009年6月某日清晨,受害人給被告按門鈴喚醒,被告聲稱開不到門,叫受害人幫助。受害人於是開門用被告的鎖匙試開他的鐵閘,期間被告從後攬著受害人,以下體摩擦受害人臀部。受害人推開被告,走回自己的住所。這是案情十分簡單的非禮案,本來並不值得評論,特別的地方是受害人沒有報案,也沒有告訴任何人,直至一年之後。


被告被定罪並判監十四日。被告聘請金牙大狀清洪替他上訴,攻擊受害人被非禮後並沒有告訴任何人,及證供前後不一致的地方。聽審上訴的法官Andrew Macrae,駁回上訴。我相信大部份的高院法官都會批准上訴,撤銷定罪,受害人事隔一年才報案實在有使定罪不穩妥之處。我最欣賞Macrae處理裁判法院上訴的態度,他所持理據是

12. At the end of the day, there remained the extraordinary fact that PW1 had not told anybody (not even her husband) about the indecent assault upon her for almost a year after the event. The magistrate heard the evidence and accepted the reasons why PW1 had not told anyone about it until June 2010. I cannot say that he was wrong in accepting such evidence. And I am not prepared to say that the fact of such a late report could by itself vitiate this conviction. That would be too extreme a position and be in danger of usurping the magistrate’s function and duty to evaluate the evidence and, in particular, to consider carefully whether the reasons given for the delay by PW1 were credible and genuine. This it seems to me is exactly what he did.

13. In relation to the inconsistencies in PW1’s evidence, which the magistrate found were material, he examined the evidence surrounding them and determined they all arose out of the witness’s inexact or confused way of expressing herself rather deliberate untruth. Having examined the evidence in its full context, I would not dissent from his conclusion. Indeed, it seems to me that the inconsistencies are more apparent than real. (para 12 and 13 HKSAR and Tong Arnold HCMA173/2011)

很多上訴法院的法官都覺得比下級法院法官優勝,輕易從案情事實中挑幾塊骨頭出來,肆意批評,推翻定罪,所展示的是優越感多於實質的法律理據。難怪標少會對潘敏琦及一些較新任命的暫委法官較有好感。要肯定或撤銷定罪,都可以講一番大道理,分別在於聽審上訴的法官能否以正確宏觀的態度來處理上訴。Macrae是聽審Nancy Kissel(Milk Shake Murder)案重審的法官,駁回Kissel終止聆訊申請的判辭寫得無懈可擊,使標少拜服。


30 則留言:

  1. Mr Cheng Huan S.C. leading Mr Bernard Cheng, instructed by Messrs Yaddy Cheung & Co., assigned by D.L.A., for the Appellant


  2. Anonymous,

    You are quite right. I overlooked the fact that it was a D.L.A case. The appellant had free lunch then. It answers my skepticism why he could afford to instruct Cheng Huan SC to represent him on appeal. You have read the case meticulously. My salutation to you.


  3. Anonymous,

    I should also say I have never seen Cheng Huan a pro bono man. I cannot remember if he did any D.L.A matters at all in the last 20 years. That was the reason why I thought he was on private brief without realizing it was a D.L.A. case. In that case, the tax payers were providing the appellant free lunch. When accepting the brief, I guess Cheng Huan envisaged a sure win but unwittingly bashed on the head. My salutation to Macrae too.


  4. I'm not familiar with HK law, but isn't it his words against hers? How can you convict someone bases on pure allegation?

  5. Anonymous,

    In a lot of countries, the legal principles are similar. A lot of cases are based on one against once evidence. It is sufficient to convict unless the law requires corroboration. Whether it is pure allegation is a matter of point of view. For instance, a driver is seen by a policeman for jumping the red light, there is no red light camera. The court can rely on the policeman alone to convict. In another instance, someone stabs me and inflicts injuries on me. If there is no other eye witness, even though I have injuries, I can still frame up someone else being the doer. When I sustain injuries, it is more than pure allegation. I can still frame up someone else. So the rationale is not confined to pure allegation or not. In the indecent assault case, I suppose apart from the pure allegation, there won't be any physical evidence of assault. If a female student is indecently assaulted in the teacher's home with no other people present and the teacher denies under caution, the case will still be proceeded against the teacher. Otherwise, criminals can take advantage of the situation and commits a lot of indecent assault cases without charge. There are always pros and cons. In the case I wrote about in my blog, the most unusual feature is the lack of complaint until 1 year later. Most magistrates will find it unsafe to convict. Even if she complains right away, it is still "pure allegation".

    In the blog, I tried to point out Andrew Macrae bore a correct attitude when hearing the appeal by not usurping the function of the original trial magistrate. Sometimes I can see some appellate judges may not be wiser than the subordinate judges and magistrates. Another point I did not point out is that indecent assault is an indictable offence without time bar. A complaint can be made 10 years later. We can see example of this in the priest indecently assaults young boy case. Complaints are made when the boy grows up and becomes an adult. Isn't it pure allegation? Isn't it a lapse of a long time? You can see such trials in HK and in Australia.

  6. There is something seriously wrong with being able to convict someone based on pure allegation. What is to prevent me from saying that you molest me just because you piss me off? Traffic violation is different because the "crime" is relatively minor and the court realizes that there is no way to uphold traffic laws if we apply the same rules of evidence in minor infraction cases.

  7. I gave examples from traffic contravention to serious allegation of wounding with intent which is liable to imprisonment for life to demonstrate "pure allegation" suffices or otherwise. There is of course danger of a wrong conviction and likewise a wrong acquittal of a defendant who is guilty like hell. There is no perfect system. The onus of proof is on the prosecution is already a safeguard. "Pure allegation" applies to a lot of charges, theft, robbery, conspiracy etc. A lurking doubt will lead to an acquittal.

  8. There is no perfect legal system in the world but the least we could do is to protect the innocent, that is why we have the Miranda Warning and the "Fruit of the poisonous tree" rule...I hope there is more to this case than what you mention here.

  9. Name one case which leads to prison term when the ONLY evidence is one person's pure allegation. If you' ve more than one person then it's called eye witness account, that, is collaborating evidence.

  10. Hi,

    When you mentioned the Miranda Warning, I believe you are from USA. US has Miranda Warning or the Fifth Amendment, HK has the right of silence and administering of caution when a suspect is arrested. The discussion has departed from the sufficiency of pure allegation to convict. In a way, an admission under the Miranda warning or caution is also pure allegation.


  11. Hi again,

    I have sufficiently dealt with the issue. There are abundant cases of one against one leading to conviction and term of incarceration. People in the field would agree with me.

  12. Then the question remains:in a "he says she says" case, how the hell can you judge who is telling the truth? Gut feeling? OMG.

  13. Hi,

    I am far from home and access to the internet is limited. I have to drop the discussion now. In order to convince you it is how the system works, I can only ask you to browse http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/ju/judgment.jsp
    search the cases by typing the phrase "one to one". A lot of cases will pop up.


  14. Hi again,

    "one against one" rather.


  15. Why don't you give me the original case number ( not the appellate case) so that I can take a look and see on what basis did the Judge make his decision to convict?

  16. Anonymous,

    Sorry for being unable to provide the statement of findings of the original trial magistrate to you. You are not in the field so you don't know how it works. When the defendant lodges an appeal against the decision of the magistrate, the magistrate has to write his reasons for convicting the defendant. It is called "statement of findings". The statement of findings will then be submitted to the High Court. Only the prosecution, defence and the High Court Judge are able to see it. It is not uploaded in the HK Judiciary website. So people not being parties to the proceeding cannot see it. I can only see the uploaded appeal judgment in which sometimes the original statement of findings is cited.


  17. That is not exactly true. I took a quick look at the legalref website and it does give basis for judgement (e.g. HCCC26/2009)...I know Chinese. More likely the original case is not uploaded. But in the appellate case, there is reference to the word " witnesses", that kind of implies it is more than a "he says she says" case. Without the original case trial summary, it's pointless to argue further. But I do not believe pure verbal allegation by one person has enough legal grounds to convict.

  18. Anonymous,

    Very well, there is no point discussing further. I really don't care what you believe. One thing I need to clarify. When you say "That is not exactly true", the statement itself is not accurate. I mentioned earlier that you cannot see the statement of findings of the "magistrate". I did not say District Judge and High Court Judge. Judiciary never uploads magsitrate's statement of findings but occassionally uploads the District Judge and High Court Judge ones. I do not see any benefit to further our discussions. Let the people in the field point out my mistake instead of outsiders. I am not eligible to give law lecture nor free lunch.

  19. A tat sensitive, aren't we? In any case, I'm not prepared to take the words of an anonymous blogger to educate me on HK laws. Don't flatter yourself. Gee.

    Anyway, this is your blog and not a discussion forum. I guess if I don't like your attitude I should just shut up and leave. Mea maxima culpa. My bad.

    Hasta la vista babe.

  20. Hi Bill,

    Long time reader, rare comment poster.
    Please continue to post your great posts as it is always a pleasure to read, and don't be discouraged just because there are a few bad apples falls through the nets and try to start an argument for the sake of berating people.

    Keep it up!

  21. Hi All,

    I never intended to lecture anyone on law. What am I? My blog is a piece of turf I cultivate and share past experience with people who find pleasure reading. I am not flattered but encouraged when there are pieces of compliments. I am not erate when there are demurred views. When I am erred, I admit my faults candidly if the learned readers show me the relevant precedents. I have to use some legal Latin jargons for brevity of discussion. That is why mens rea, actus reus, voir dire, res ipsa loquitur, pro bono etc would appear in my blog. They are used not more than necessary. I do not know other Latin especially the very famous cliche from Arnie's Terminator II (hasta la vista baby). I do admire the use of mea maxima culpa. Unfortunately though, reading in context, it is devoid of the meaning it should bear semantically. Please don't waste time to embroil in unmeritorious argument like this in future. Legal concept is never for people to blindly believe or disbelieve.

  22. Hasta la vista is Spanish.

    This is the last time I'm going to visit your blog and irk you, I promise.

    I know law, although in a different country. I stumbled upon your blog when I'm researching something else and my comments are not meant to be argumentative but a genuine curiosity to understand the cultural difference in the spirit of the legal system, I.e. fairness. And the case in question lacks details to make any discussion meaningful but we should agree to disagree, based on the info we have sofar. What piss me off is your condescending attitude (free lecture/free lunch? What an ego!). Kiddo, not everyone who visits your blog and happens to agree wiith you is seeking your pearl of wisdom for free. Gee.

  23. Correction:Kiddo, not everyone who visits your blog and happens to DISAGREE with you is seeking your pearl of wisdom for free. And even if HK laws do give judges extraordinary discretionary power, it doesn't mean case closed that's the way it is, live with it. One can still argue the merits of such legal principle. Gee.

  24. There should be a finality to any discussion. I am not knowledgeable and I really want to put a halt to any further discussion. To agree or disagree is so easily said. Then what? I am glad people know the law so that I can learn something with substance rather than rhetorical embellishment of language or foreign language. Let me quote a Court of Final Appeal case here to end the discussion. I will not make further reply no matter how wise or otherwise the comments are. A 9-year-pupil alleging the teacher indecently assaulted him 3 times resulting in the teacher facing 3 charges of indecently assault. It is in nature the words of the boy's against the teacher's.There was no other witness seeing the assault. The teacher was convicted of all charges and sentenced to 5 months' imprisonment by the magistrate. The case ended up appealing to the Court of Final Appeal, the highest court of HK. The Chief Justice, Andrew Li, delivered the judgment and confirmed the convictions. The ratio of the case may not be summarized by the paragraph I cite here but suffice it to say addressing the central issue of the controvesy here.

    47. The case turned solely on the credibility of the complainant. It is very clear from the magistrate’s oral verdict and written reasons that he was overwhelmingly impressed by the complainant’s testimony. He believed the truth of the complainant’s evidence beyond reasonable doubt. This was because he concluded that the complainant’s description of the incidents was extremely particularised and detailed, clear, impossible to fabricate without experiencing them personally, vivid and unequivocal. These are strong phrases which the magistrate chose to use in his oral verdict and written reasons. (Leung Chi Keung v HKSAR FACC10/2004)

    In order to verify the veracity of my observation and my limited knowledge of the law, please find the judgment and read its entity.

    1. Poor Bill,

      Just ignore that idiot. Obviously, he fails to understand though you have explained clearly. You know many lawyers are also idiots, not to say, those who CLAIM they know laws. Don't waste your time. The more he wrote the more we could see he is ignorant.

  25. It's hard to help a person who adopts the 'I do not believe your mere words' attitude and at the same time refuses to do his own research.

    1. Anonymous,

      I cannot say I intended to help him because I know am not eligible to do so. I am happy to discuss with people with my limited knowledge of the law. If someone says he does not believe me, the best course is not to read the blog rather than engaging in argument. It is plainly unfruitful.


  26. 標少,

    新年快樂!! 書到用時方限少! 唔係屋企人遇上麻煩都唔知原來對法律毫無知識! 迷茫中搵到你個blog學到好多野! 謝謝! 同時亦另我更加擔心! 原來非禮案響無人證無物證只有雙方既情況下都告得入. 由於我連點搵律師點評估搵邊個信得過都毫無頭緒想請教可以點做? 亦唔知要付擔多少律師費. 用當值律師又會否無咁好? 因為身邊人都無咩呢d經驗及知識, 真的很擔心及沮喪! 有問題可請教下你嗎? 感激萬分!

    1. You can send an email to me to see what I can help. Please note my comment is not a legal advice. My email address is billlcsiu@gmail.com.

    2. yea of course and thank you for your help and i will email you. :)
